Less talk, more bands. As Yan said it best after Canvey Island (at the 4:45 point) we're not conversational, we're here to play music. Our small group were right up front so we were in a great position to watch Brighton's finest, eschewing some of the scenery and antics of past performances, just playing their songs. Much of their set featured songs from their newest long-player Valhalla Dancehall, but there was a generous selection of past tracks as well.
British Sea Power
The Independent SF
Blended "TZ0/TH1" sources, TZ0 was using Sonic Studios DSM-6s/Ls > Edirol R-09HR, TH1 was using CA11 cards > Sony PCM-10
We Are Sound
Something Wicked
Oh Larsen B
No Lucifer
Mongk II
Stunde Null
Canvey Island
Living Is So Easy
It Ended On An Oily Stage
Remember Me
Lights Out
Waving Flags
The Great Skua
All In It
Full audio recording (FLACs in zipfile)
Linked videos all shot by my friend, who posts as SilenzioStatico12 on YouTube, save for 'Waving Flags', shot by myself. I should emphasize that if you like anything here, SUPPORT THE BANDS by buying their albums and going to see them live.
More BSP pics are in the above archive, but here are a few snaps, including the setlist, I should note that the second group of songs (No Lucifer to Mongk II) were sung by Hamilton.
A Classic Education
TZ0TH1 blend
They're from Bologna, Italy.
No baloney. The singer sounded Canadian though. Loved the Fresh and Only shirt they keyboardist was wearing, that's a good touchstone for the kind of tunes
these cats were playing.
Wicked House
Baby, It's Fine
Spin You Round
Gone To Sea
Place A Bet On You
Terrible Day
Little Red Riding Hood [Sam the Sham and his Pharoahs]
What My Life Could Have Been
Night Owl
Full audio recording (FLACs in zipfile)
The Sporting Life
The Independent SF
TZ0TH1 blend
Was very favorably impressed by these guys, it turns out that the father of one of the players on my boys' soccer team is close friends with singer Kevin, as they went to the same high school together. Looking forward to hearing their upcoming releases in full.
It's Not Money
The Road
Draft Cards
Way I Grow
Parking Lots
Full audio recording (FLACs in zipfile)
Nice. I have another BSP gig from the tour here: