My thoughts go out to the victims of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
Minks are Shaun Kilfoyle and Amalie Bruun, with a full band with them on tour.
Both "Funeral Song" and "Ophelia" are favorite songs of mine presently. The Captured Tracks label may currently be on fire with all the quality acts they've featured over the past year (Dum Dum Girls, Thee Oh Sees, The Soft Moon, Wild Nothing, not to mention Mike Sniper's own Blank Dogs) but really the credit should go to the bands themselves for their songcraft and hard work. Even the bass amp packing it in during Funeral Song didn't really blight this gorgeous performance.
If you like what you hear, please visit and support the group!
Bottom Of The Hill
San Francisco CA
tapers: TZ0, using Sonic Studios DSM-6 mics > Edirol R-09HR
TH1, using Sony PCM-M10 + built-ins + Flip UltraHD
digital camera
Funeral Song
Cemetery Rain
Drunk Punks
My friend tomzero also filmed "Araby":
Note: A post covering the headlining Dum Dum Girls set is available noe, a mere 10+ years after the fact! but I'll first wait until their second album is in shops, as otherwise I'd be introducing quite a bit of pre-release material.
Alex Zhang Hungtai is Dirty Beaches, and yes, I'm going to mention Elvis Presley, Nick Cave, and Suicide as filtered through a retro-futurist 50's guitar sound, as much as that may make some of you already familiar with his work cringe. Here's a Pitchfork interview for some background, but for me, I have to admit the way he combed his hair between songs frightened me greatly, as well as him jumping into the crowd during the middle of the second(!) song...but later on the set, he ended up terminating a song by accidentally stepping on his power supply, which he handled gracefully.
Dirty Beaches
Bottom Of The Hill
San Francisco CA
tapers: TZ0, using Sonic Studios DSM-6 mics > Edirol R-09HR. TH1, using Sony PCM-M10 + built-ins + Flip UltraHD digital camera
100 Highways
Coast To Coast
new song)
The Singer [Johnny Cash cover]
True Blue
Lord Knows Best