
The Breeders - 2008-05-01 - Amoeba Records, SF


The Breeders
Amoeba Records
San Francisco CA

taped by: thehappyone

location: on the left-hand side, a few feet FOB, about 15" away from the stage

lineage: Sony ECM-MS907 > Belkin Tunetalk > iPod 5th gen > Adobe Audition 1.5 (fades, edits, and crackle removal) > CD Wave (tracking) > FLAC (6)


00 - soundchecking [11:59]
01 - (intro) [1:34]
02 - No Aloha [2:15]
03 - (the Deal with Shirley, a new song, and insanity) [0:59]
04 - Bang On [2:12]
05 - Walk It Off [3:00]
06 - (the Deal with Steve Albini's lyrics) [1:55]
07 - Night Of Joy [4:18]
08 - Pacer [The Amps] [2:14]
09 - (the Deal with Tommy, the time, and Cheryl) [1:29]
10 - We're Gonna Rise [4:42]
11 - Cannonball [3:44]
12 - (the Deal with the Peavey, Mom, and the death certificate) [1:43]
13 - Here No More [3:11]
14 - Divine Hammer [3:07]
15 - (outro) [1:38]

Total: [50:00]



The Breeders at what's becoming my favorite haunt to see music these days.  And the best part is...no cover charge!

Yes, this is a same day special.  That mod NightshifTed may say there's no races, etc., but my enthusiasm for being able to tape this and share it with you knows no bounds, so here it is.  I'd say I'm three for three here...check out my Malkmus and Flipper seeds if they're still on the tracker.

The fourth time with this particular kit, and the second with this particular external mic attached.

For some reason, there was clipping at certain points, perhaps brickwalling due to not using a battery box (was using the iPod for plug-in power)...for the most part, these cleaned up nicely using Adobe's click/crackle removal, but next time I'll power the mike separately.

Please support the Deals and their bandmates and purchase their new album if you enjoyed this show, like I did.  The LP version of their new release (Mountain Battles) comes  with a download code for 256kbps MP3s.  Pictures from the performance (taken with my iPhone, so a bit crappy) as well as a signed copy of the LP are on display in the 'photos' dir [ note: as well as below ]


Please do not leverage this recording for material gain, and keep it lossless.  [note: I no longer really care, as long as you reference where you got it from and all the info I've shared. ]

Above all, ENJOY!

That ends my 2008-era writeup.

Listening to this with 2020 ears reveals what a delicious set of tunes this May Day record store performance is, even if not reaching the stratospheric standards of Pod and Last Splash and how lucky we are to have had the Breeders, especially their delicious twin hits of "Cannonball" and "Divine Hammer", one of the best one-two punches independent music has ever thrown.  I think calling Kim's between-song patter "the Deal with" was fairly inspired on my part.  Also, I can't believe that I used an iPod to record music with....I'd limp along like this until I bought my Edirol R-09HR in October, which I still use to this day, though it's mostly consigned to desktop digitization duties....though the first outing with it, I didn't manage to get it in the door, but that's a story for a later time.

Here's a closer look at my signed copy of Mountain Battles... which I'll be listening to after I finish up this post.


Some live footage preserved on Ye Olde Tube... Unfortunately, unlike Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks or Flipper, there seems to not even been any indication that Amoeba themselves put up their performance....

From alisonbiggs, a pretty extraordinary segue from these band vids (as well as a Ringo Starr vid) -- the only music-related footage she captured....into vids of her adorable young children.

No Aloha (1:08)


Cannonball (0:38)

And from luizbeck510, alas quality is pretty low on this video capture....

The first three songs... "No Aloha", "Bang On", and "Walk It Off"...  (9:10)

And The Amps "Pacer" (2:22):