
Terry Malts / Balaclavas / Rat Columns / Yi - 1-2-3-4 Go Records Oakland CA

Loads of Malty goodness headed your way.

Terry Malts
1-2-3-4 Go! Records
Oakland CA

Blended recording, the usual mix of Church and Sonic mics.


pa music / soundchecking
Something About You
What Was It?
Tumble Down
No, Sir, I'm Not A Christian
bass amp issues ~ improv
Not Far From It
Mall Dreams
Disconnect (still called 'Live Wire' at this point)
I'm Neurotic
Can't Tell No One [Negative Approach]

Another great live outing from the trio.

I guess God was a bit pissed after the Malts' paean to non-belief, but even His (or maybe it was his agent Random Chance) attempts to derail the show were stymied by one of the opening acts being kind enough to supply the group with the use of their bass amp for the rest of their show.

Download FLAC of entire show (zip archive)

Recorded by OutOfFocusSF, this version of "I Do" was actually from their March 17th 1-2-3-4 Go! set, which I wasn't able to make.

Next up...or up before, as I'm posting these in reverse order...

1-2-3-4 Go! Records
Oakland CA

Balaclavas are a three-piece from Houston, TX that play a sinuous brand of post-punk.  Bought a T-Shirt from them for my son, which he occasionally wears.


Shit Meridian
Second Sight
Call The Law
Roman Holiday
Lord Bored
Down and Loose

Download FLACs in zipfile.

Some of the numbers were new, as I wasn't able to figure out names when trying to ID these originally, so you'll notice dome files in the torrent aren't named, as I haven't gone back and corrected this...I've since figured out the first song is called "Acetone", and seems to be unreleased, and the fourth, fifth and seventh tracks are "Second Sight", "Call The Law", and "Lord Bored", respectively, all off of their new (as of March 2012) four track EP out on Bandcamp, here:  http://balaclavas.bandcamp.com/

If you like this, please buy it, like I did!

For more links to videos, go to my vid tracking site.

Rat Columns
1-2-3-4 Go! Records
Oakland CA

Another one of David West's -- he also of Total Control, Rank/Xerox and Burning Sensations -- projects, this one is more tuneful than the former's strident gluepunk and the latter's all-out hardcore.

Download FLACs in zipfile.

Need lots of help ID-ing the songs.  I bought SmartGuy SMART030, which is their eponymous debut 7", but as far as I can tell, all these songs are unreleased.

1-2-3-4 Go! Records
Oakland CA

New group, know almost nothing about them.

Download FLACs in zipfile.

Also need help to to ID songs.


Woollen Kits - Jan/Feb West Coast shows

Woollen Kits
Josephine Art Space
Seattle WA

Taped by my comrade SR, using his Schoeps MK4 active setup.


Back To You
I Love You
Down Your Street
Out Of Whack
Round & Around

'Shelley' also filmed by the Orca Team.

Link to audio (FLAC format)

Much of the music I like these days isn't very cheery, but this is...it's positively uplifting post-punk/garage pop.

I'll let this review speak for me: "Woollen Kits are the newest rock 'n roll sensation from Australia, and the latest signing from one of my new turn-to-record labels, RIP Society. Following on the heels of their catchy Maths 7" from last year, the Woollen Kits' recently released self-titled album is an LP you'll want to play over and over again - it's fun, stripped down, garage-inspired post-punk. If John Peel were still around, he'd definitely want the Woollen Kits on his BBC radio program. It's just the type of timeless, fiercely independent jangle guitar pop he'd love... and you will too."

Here's a video of the complete show, which I synced the above audio source to:

Another show after the jump...


The Soft Moon - Jan/Feb shows

What better way to celebrate my 100th post with posting some shows by THE group that pretty much revitalized my love of some of the groups that call this place home whom I've been fortunate enough to see perform.  Still amazes me I had no idea of what they were doing until another blogger (the guy who runs this site) made me aware of them.

The Soft Moon
Cafe Du Nord
San Francisco CA

Recorded by thehappyone, with Church Audio mics into Olympus LS-5.  This ended up being a solo outing, as this show sold out, so my compatriot wasn't able to get tickets.


...PA music, soundchecking...
We Are We
...we fucked up some shit on stage...
Dead Love
Into The Depths
Out Of Time
Breathe The Fire
When It's Over
Total Decay
Tiny Spiders

Inaugural performance with Keven Tecon (Veil Veil Vanish/ Wax Idols) on the sticks.  There was NO announcement beforehand, this took me by surprise, but not unpleasantly since he had played with Justin before and fit right into the darkness woven by the prior three-piece, and definitely added some dynamics to the new songs, and was no worse than the drum machines for the tracks on the eponymous release.

Photoset (Flickr).  Most taken with Canon T2i, though clearly I was having trouble due to the strobe, a video would have been better.

It continues...


Blouse - January 2012 shows

Charlie Hilton @Club Du Nord
Charlie Hilton - Club Du Nord

Sunset Tavern
Seattle WA

taper: SR
equip: Schoeps MK4 active setup > Naiant tinybox > Sony PCM-M10


Time Travel
They Always Fly Away
Fountain In Rewind
Nights And Days
Into Black

Download complete show in Flac format (zipfile)

Club Du Nord
San Francisco CA

Opening for The Soft Moon.  Think this was a solo outing for me.

tapers: thehappyone
equip:  Church CA-11 cards >   Olympus LS-5


Time Travel
They Always Fly Away
Fountain In Rewind
Into Black

Download complete show in Flac format (zipfile)

In addition, here's my video of They Always Fly Away / White / Fountain In Rewind / Videotapes / Into Black, shot with my Canon T2I SLR.

And my photoset (Flickr)

If you want a page tracking of their video footage...


Craft Spells - 2011-11-20 - Chop Suey - Seattle WA

Craft Spells
Chop Suey
Seattle WA

Taper: SR
Equipment:  Schoeps MK4 active setup > Nbox > Sony PCM-M10 


Love Well Spent
Scandinavian Crush
Your Tomb
From The Morning Heat
After The Moment
The Fog Rose High
Party Talk
Given The Time
You Should Close The Door

Crafty download of FLACs in a zipfile

Here's an interview link, which also includes pro-shot/multicam recordings of "From The Morning Heat" and "Party Talk".  
The same footage was used for "You Should Close The Door".  

SeattleShowGal videoed "From The Morning Heat" and "After The Moment".  

This was drummer Peter's last show with Craft Spells.  Neither the recording nor the performance disappoint, I'm lucky to have seen them live and to be able to present this recording.

All credit for vidcaps should go to liveeyetv.

NOTE: Steve has corrected me on the date of this show, so I've corrected the filenames, etc to reflect that.


Terry Malts / Wax Idols - The Fun House Seattle - 2011-11-10

May as well start to empty the AMH coffers of recordings to share with you guys.  Both sets were recorded during last year's tour by my partner in crime up in Washington, "SR", with his Schoeps MK4 gear, and are great recordings.

Terry Malts
The Fun House
Seattle WA

Gear:  Schoeps MK4 active setup > Nbox > Sony PCM-M10 (wav @ 48KHz 24 bit) > Adobe Audition 1.5 (tracksplits, downsampling to 44.1KHz 16 bit) > FLACs in zip file


I Do
What Was It?
Waiting Room
Something About You
Not Far From It
I'm No Good For You
Mall Dreams
Tumble Down
I'm Neurotic
Can't Tell No One [Negative Approach]

Download [FLACs in zipfile]

Wax Idols

The Fun House
Seattle WA

Gear:  Schoeps MK4 active setup > Nbox > Sony PCM-M10 (wav @ 48KHz 24 bit) > Adobe Audition 1.5 (tracksplits, downsampling to 44.1KHz 16 bit) > FLACs in zip file


All Too Human
William Says
Human Condition
Hotel Room
Gold Sneakers
Grey Area
Dead Like You
Romeo's Distress [Christian Death]

Download [FLACs in zipfile]

Photo courtesy of the finest kiss.



a  d i s k o n n e k t
p r o d u k t
c o u r t e s y  o f
t e r r y  m a l t s

(live at the Knockout
San Francisco 23 March 2012)