Live music in SF/Oakland, and maybe elsewhere... Many links went dead when Megaupload was shut down, so if you want to download anything again, please send an email to and I'll put it back up. There's a mailing list too, send email to to can request things there too.
Megaupload = Megaoffline
Megaupload looks to be kaput.
So any of the audio download links on here won't work until Megaupload gets a reprive, but I have to assume it'll be down for good, I'll probably add AAC/M4A links for both new and recent posts and forgo lossless sharing for now. Or...I got it....I may go to hosting files via Bittorrent...or, I will host the files directly, and transfer all rights to them to the artists themselves.
If there was anything you were eager to get, email me at so I can prioritize what to get back up.
Burnt Ones - 2011 shows
I feel bad that I missed these guys at yesterday night's show playing with The Mallard at the Hemlock, but have to energize my batteries before a spate of shows later this month and beyond.
Anyway, I did catch them a couple times last year, and quite enjoyed their fuzzed out garage/psych jams, so without much further ado, here are the recordings of these fine practitioners of "hologram rock".
Oakland CA
Gonna Listen To T.Rex (All Night Long)
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Bury Me In Smoke
Do The Spell
[last two songs feature Mark playing with a different drummer]
Download FLACs (zip)
And my recording from earlier last year, at The Knockout in SF.
Burnt Ones
The Knockout
San Francisco CA
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Gonna Listen To T.Rex (All Night Long)
Real Gone
Black Leather Or Furs
Do The Spell
Bury Me In Smoke
Meet The Golden One (intro has lyrics from Norman Greenbaum's 'Spirit In The Sky')
Download FLACs (zipfile)
If you feel like being further Burned, check out their sites:
Manatee - 2011-12-04 - TKT004 Oakland CA
Oakland CA
I'm fairly behind in my sharing, but may as well make this available.
For those of you who know, Manatee guitarist Mike Shulman runs a little ol' label called Slumberland, who have put out many releases by some of the groups which I've featured here.
This is seemingly straight ahead catchy pop-punk played by a bunch of "regular guys", but with interesting twists like a Bauhaus cover (in honor of Mike Shulman's birthday!?!) and a song that mentions Anderson Cooper.
Simply Free
Crisis Time
More Seriously
Things Falling Down
Bela Lugosi's Dead [Bauhaus]
Mr. Super
Being Chased By Anderson Cooper ...
...midway during what was to be their final song the venue cuts out singer Keith's vocal mic, which causes a bunch of confusion, and then when the sound desk informs the group they want to move the show along and then time is up, to a very annoyed band and audience. Not cool. The best comment was the woman who yelled out "Occupy V***s" [I wish not to give the venue any undeserved recognition]

Here's where I put my recording device...ended up being a bit of a problem because a couple of employees were playing games in between sets. >>>
Download (FLAC files in a torrent)
For the full photo archive, go here.
Check out Manatee's releases out on Slumberland now!
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